In Loving Memory of
Luis R. Aragon Sr.
A parent's love can never be measured and the extent a father will go to protect his little girl from injuries. Our father is the creator of Drop Support Harness and it's because of him, we are able to help other families in need of a little more support and protection.
Designed for Us, but made for You.
Hi, and welcome to Drop Support. This is our sister, and when you have a family member who suffers from a medical condition that can lead to falls, you tend to avoid leaving the safety and comfort of your home. As was the case with our family. Our sister suffers from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which is a rare and severe kind of epilepsy, but also has Atonic and Tonic seizures that lead to falls and potential injuries, and with her medical condition, we restricted our lives to any events or environments with hard surfaces.
Because in the event she would fall, we didn’t want a hard surface breaking her fall, if we weren't able to support her fall in time. After so many years of living restricted, we knew we needed to make a change. A change that would impact our lives.
​Drop Support was the answer to that change!
​After designing and introducing Drop Support into our lives, we immediately felt the release of pressure because now we had a better means of fall support, when she needs it the most, which impacted our lives forever.
Drop Support isn't just for Epilepsy, it's for any condition where fall support is required.
​Drop Support isn’t just a product, it’s a chance for a better way of life. It's a chance to have a new symbol of hope.